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Oysters Crassostrea gigas. When different animals exhibit a common pattern of abnormal closings (or openings), it means there is a common external stress (that can be pollution). Otherwise, each individual in the group, except for biological rhythms, lives its life independent from one another.

Available records from March 2011 to January 2012 and April to October 2012

Time GMT. OYSTERS, PERMANENTLY IMMERSED (Santander, Spain). These oysters are recorded since march 28th, 2012. A 1st group was already recorded from feb 2011-feb 2012. This was part of the European programme PORTONOVO. The aim was to test the possibility of using such a system in a commercial port, for long term, without in situ human intervention (the goal is about a year). We successfully did it ! The goal: to provide an online biosensor telling us about the water quality in any european commercial port; to help improving a better water quality management in what is called: heavy modified water bodies.


Interactive and Dynamic Recordings
on 1-6 days. In the menu, choose Recordings, a Site and your d day on the calendar

ZOOM: Hover over the graph with the mouse cursor, left click and drag to zoom in. Today, one have a resolution of 100 msec and ~ 1 µm

 .     Ny Alesund, 79°N   .                 22/1/2016:         3 years & 9 months at sea!!!

to see how it is at 1300km from the North Pole, select "Gallery" from the menu bar and "Localisations" from the pulldown menu




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