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Function :
Directeur de Recherche
Organism :
Laboratory :
+33 (0)5 56 22 39 25
+33 (0)5 40 70 85 04


Jean-Charles Massabuau is a Research Director in the CNRS. He obtained his b. Sc. at Paris South University in 1977, his PhD. in 1980 and then his Thèse d'Etat in 1984 at the University of Strasbourg, France. From 1980-1981 he was an instructor at the University of Medical Sciences of Strasbourg, from 1981 to 1985 he was a junior scientist in the CNRS, in 1985 he was appointed senior scientist in the CNRS for research in comparative respiratory physiology. In this period he developed the first experimental basis of his theory on basic principles of oxygen exchange management in water breathers and he discovered the existence of acidified streams in France. In 2001 he was appointed Research Director in the CNRS, his research then turned more to physiological ecology and ecotoxicology in aquatic systems. He is presently heading a group of 15 permanent persons & 10 PhDs at the Marine Biological Station of Arcachon, France. In a broad sense, today his research interests are concerned with the life of aquatic animals inhabiting ecosystems ranging from pristine to contaminated. In his view, knowledge of both the basic principles of comparative respiratory physiology, ethology and ecology as well as water quality is essential for understanding the formulation of physiological and ecological principles that transcend the particular species and environment being studied. He is presently developing new technologies based on understanding the behavior of molluscan bivalves inhabiting European to tropical and arctic ecosystems.