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Icelandic scallop Chlamys islandica. When different animals exhibit a common pattern of abnormal closings (or openings), it means there is a common external stress (that can be pollution). Otherwise, each individual in the group, except for biological rhythms, lives its life independent from one another.

Ny Alesund, Svalbard, 79°N, 1300 km from the North Pole

STOP after 3 years, 9 months, 3 days at sea

Available record from 18 May 2012 - 21 January 2016

Time GMT.

Our system worked alone during 1343 days at sea. We had only 2 gaps in the record. In 2013, 8th April, the spot stopped sending datas and recordings during a full month. The most likely explanation was a problem of power. In 2015, we had another arrest, at the same period, from April 21 to June 13. Today we know that they had big internet problems.

The HFNI valvometer started to emit its data on May 20th, 2012. A Norwegian mission dismantled the system in January 2016 on the occasion of a scientific trip in the Polar night. This is the very first time that one study online the behavior of marine animals at this latitude during such a long period, including 3 polar nights.  We are mainly interested by the daily behavior and the biological rhythms of the scallops we studied (daily, seasonal, annual). We are also looking for reference records in the global warming context and the future opening to industrial activities.

Thanks to AWIPEV, have a direct insight into the water physico-chemistry where our clams live

This is one of the most extreme site we are studying right now (“extreme” means there: cold, night, icebergs, seal, walruse, polar bear and… unfortunate colleagues…).


Interactive and Dynamic Recordings
on 1-6 days. In the menu, choose Recordings, a Site and your d day on the calendar

ZOOM: Hover over the graph with the mouse cursor, left click and drag to zoom in. Today, one have a resolution of 100 msec and ~ 1 µm

 .     Ny Alesund, 79°N   .                 22/1/2016:         3 years & 9 months at sea!!!

to see how it is at 1300km from the North Pole, select "Gallery" from the menu bar and "Localisations" from the pulldown menu




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